2024-12-31 12:17:02
本文摘要:PayPal is on the hunt for international acquisitions to drive growth and fend off predators, as it prepares to separate from eBay and become an independent company in the first of several big technology split-ups this year.PayPal正在物色国际并购目标以推展快速增长并避免自己被并购。PayPal is on the hunt for international acquisitions to drive growth and fend off predators, as it prepares to separate from eBay and become an independent company in the first of several big technology split-ups this year.PayPal正在物色国际并购目标以推展快速增长并避免自己被并购。该公司眼下于是以打算瓦解eBay沦为一家独立国家的公司——这将冲破今年数家大型科技公司拆分的序幕。Chief executive Dan Schulmantold the Financial Times that acquisitions would be a priority, as PayPal uses the $6bn war chest that is a legacy of the split.PayPal首席执行官丹舒尔曼(Dan Schulman)向英国《金融时报》回应,并购将不会是公司的优先考虑到事项,因为此次拆分给它带给60亿美元的现金储备。“The balance sheet affords us the opportunity to look opportunistically where it makes sense to acquire,” he said. “I think there is a tremendous opportunity to look across the world.”他说道:“当前的财务状况给我们带给了物色有价值的并购标的的机会。
纵观全球,我们具有极大的并购机遇。”The strong balance sheet would also support PayPal’s lending programmes, he noted.舒尔曼认为,强大的资产负债表也将反对PayPal的贷款项目。PayPal will pass a milestone towards independence today as pricing begins for its shares. Shareholders of eBay will get one share in PayPal per share they hold when the formal split takes place on July 17.今日PayPal将不会启动股票定价,从而向沦为一家独立国家公司踏出里程碑意义的一步。
7月17日月拆分时,eBay的股东每持有人1股eBay股票将取得1股PayPal股票。The company’s enterprise value could be about $40bn, roughly two-thirds of eBay’s valuation, analysts at Wedbush estimated.Wedbush的分析师估算,PayPal的企业价值约为400亿美元,约是eBay估值的三分之二。PayPal’s rapid growth — revenues were up 19 per cent last year, with customers rising 13 per cent — has come increasingly from outside the eBay empire.PayPal的很快快速增长——去年收益快速增长19%,客户快速增长13%——更加来自eBay帝国的外部。Last week PayPal announced it would spend nearly $1bn to purchase Xoom, a growing international remittances company, which will leave about $5bn in net cash on its balance sheet.PayPal上周宣告,将耗资近10亿美元并购Xoom,这将让公司资产负债表上只剩大约50亿美元现金。
Xoom是一家正在茁壮中的国际外汇公司。Other recent acquisitions include Braintree, which bolstered PayPal’s presence in processing software used in mobile apps. That deal included Venmo, a money transfer app for splitting the cost of meals or paying rent, which has seen total payment volumes quadruple in the past year.PayPal最近的并购还包括Braintree公司,后者让PayPal增大进占移动应用于中的处理软件。该交易还包括了Braintree旗下账户应用于Venmo,该应用于可用作承担餐费或者缴纳租金。
Venmo在过去一年里的缴纳总额快速增长了3倍。Even as PayPal looks for acquisitions, it is considered a takeover target itself, particularly when cashed-up companies such as Apple and Google are trying to bolster their own payments businesses.就在PayPal谋求并购目标之际,它本身也被视作并购目标,特别是在是在苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)等资金丰沛的公司希望提高自己的缴纳业务之际。
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