2024-10-31 12:17:01
本文摘要:PALO ALTO, Calif. — After years of scorning the political process, Silicon Valley has leapt into the fray. 加州帕洛阿尔托——在对政治方法嗤之以鼻多年之后,硅谷跳进了这类纷争。PALO ALTO, Calif. — After years of scorning the political process, Silicon Valley has leapt into the fray. 加州帕洛阿尔托——在对政治方法嗤之以鼻多年之后,硅谷跳进了这类纷争。The prospect of a President Donald J. Trump is pushing the tech community to move beyond its traditional role as donors and to embrace a new existence as agitators and activists.唐纳德J特朗普(Donald J. Trump)沦为美国总统的可能性,促成科技界打破作为捐赠者的传统角色,开始扮演着煽动者和活动人士的新身份。
A distinguished venture capital firm emblazoned on its corporate home page an earthy anti-Trump epithet. 一家著名风险投资公司在其网站主页上显眼地展出了一条嘲讽的反特朗普口号。One prominent tech chieftain says the consequences of Mr Trump’s election would range between disastrous and terrible. 一位出名的科技界大佬回应,特朗普被选为总统将带给从灾难到可怕的各种后果。
Another compares him to a dictator. 另一位则把他比作独裁者。And nearly 150 tech leaders signed an open letter decrying Mr Trump and his campaign of anger and bigotry.有将近150名科技界领袖签订了一份公开信,指责特朗普及其竞选活动充满著气愤与病态情绪。Not quite all the action is anti-Trump. 并非所有的行动都是赞成特朗普的。
Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal and Palantir who was the first outside investor in Facebook, spoke at the Republican convention in July. 今年7月,Paypal和Palantir两家公司的创始人之一、同时也是Facebook首位外部投资者的彼得蒂尔(Peter Thiel),在共和党全国大会上做到了讲话。The New York Times reported on Saturday that Mr Thiel is giving $1.25 million to support Mr Trump’s candidacy even as other supporters flee. 《纽约时报》上周六曾报导,蒂尔要拿走125万美元资金反对特朗普的竞选,尽管其他支持者正在撤走。(He also recently gave $1 million to a super PAC that supports Senator Rob Portman, the Republican freshman running for re-election in Ohio.)(最近,他送给一家超级政治行动委员会[super PAC]获取了100万美元资金,该委员会反对共和党新人罗布波特曼[Rob Portman]参议员在俄亥俄州竞选参选。
Getting involved in politics used to be seen as clashing with Silicon Valley’s value system: You transform the world by making problems obsolete, not solving them through Washington. 在过去,插手政治被指出与硅谷的价值观冲突:你通过让问题仍然是问题来转变世界,而不是通过华盛顿解决问题它们。Nor did entrepreneurs want to alienate whatever segment of customers did not agree with them politically.企业家也不期望亲近在政治上与他们观念不合的那部分消费者。Such reticence is no longer in style here.这类含蓄如今不风行了。
We’re a bunch of nerds not used to having a lot of limelight, said Dave McClure, an investor who runs a tech incubator called 500 Startups. 我们是一群书呆子,不习惯受到过于多注目,投资人戴夫麦克卢尔(Dave McClure)说道。他管理着一家取名为创业500(500 Startups)的科技孵化器。
But to quote Spider-Man, ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’但是拿蜘蛛侠的话来说,‘能力越大,责任越大’。Mr McClure grew worried after the Republican and Democratic conventions as Mr Trump began to catch up to Hillary Clinton in the polls. 在共和党与民主党全国大会开会之后,特朗普开始在民意调查中跟上希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton),麦克卢尔因此更加忧虑。He wanted Silicon Valley to do more, and so late last month he announced Nerdz4Hillary, an informal fund-raising effort.他期望硅谷能做到得更加多,所以上月末他发布了非正式的资金筹措项目Nerdz4Hillary。
An initial group of donors pledged $50,000; the goal was to ask the nerdz for small donations to match that sum. 最先的一批捐赠者允诺获取5万美元;其目标是向书呆子们筹措小额捐献,以期超过某种程度的数额。They have not come through yet. 他们目前还没构建这个目标。We’re kind of optimistic we’ll get the other $50,000 in a few weeks, Mr McClure said.我们较为悲观,预计再行过几周就能筹到另一个5万美元,麦克卢尔说道。That relatively slow pace reflects Silicon Valley’s shifting position: Even as it becomes increasingly free with its opinions, it has been less free with its checkbook. 这种比较有些快的步伐体现出有硅谷立场的改变:尽管在硅谷传达观念上显得日益权利,但动用支票本还没有那么便利。
The most recent data, from late August, shows Mrs. Clinton taking in $7.7 million from the tech community, according to Crowdpac, a start-up that tracks donations. 跟踪捐献信息的创业公司Crowdpac来自8月末的近期数据表明,克林顿在科技界筹措了770万美元的资金。By that point in 2012, Crowdpac says, President Obama had raised $21 million from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.而据该公司统计资料,2012年至这个时间点时,奥巴马早已从企业家和风险投资家那里筹措了2100万美元。
Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of the business networking site LinkedIn, offers a snapshot of Silicon Valley’s evolving approach to politics.商业社交网站LinkedIn牵头创始人雷德霍夫曼、亿万富翁(Reid Hoffman)的行径表明了硅谷在对待政治的策略上的演变。Mr Hoffman was a top Obama donor, giving $1 million to the Priorities USA political action committee, something several of his peers did as well. 霍夫曼是奥巴马仅次于的资助者之一,曾向优先美国(Priorities USA)政治行动委员会捐献100万美元资金,他身边的人也做到了某种程度的捐献。Last month, Mr Hoffman garnered worldwide publicity for saying he would donate up to $5 million to veterans’ groups if Mr Trump released his taxes, a remote possibility that never came to pass. 上个月,霍夫曼回应,如果特朗普发布自己的纳税情况——可能性大于,目前为止并未构建——他将捐献高达500万美元的资金给入伍老兵的组织,此举引起了全世界的注目。
He has castigated Mr Trump in interviews, saying he was speaking for those who were afraid.他还曾在拒绝接受专访时严苛谴责特朗普,称之为他是在为那些不安的人说出。Mr Hoffman’s outright donations, however, have been smaller this election cycle. 不过,霍夫曼的必要捐献在这个议会选举周期仍然较为较少。
In May, he gave $400,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund. 今年5月,他给希拉里胜利基金会(Hillary Victory Fund)捐出了40万美元。Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records, Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email, Looking at some PACs, etc. 在被问及最近否有更加多的捐献没被联邦议会选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼在一封邮件中措辞直白地对此道,正在看一些PAC之类的。He declined several opportunities to elaborate.他多次拒绝接受早已作出详尽解释。
Even as Priorities USA has raised $133 million this election cycle, far exceeding its total in 2012, its tech contributions have dwindled. 尽管优先美国在这个竞选周期内筹措了1.33亿美元,相比之下多达2012年的总额,但它取得来自科技界的资金有所增加。The only familiar tech name this time around is John Doerr of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, who gave $500,000.这次议会选举的捐赠者中,唯一熟知的科技界名字是风险投资公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers)的约翰多尔(John Doerr),他捐献了50万美元。The AOL co-founder Steve Case said his September endorsement of Mrs. 今年9月,美国在线(AOL)牵头创始人史蒂夫凯斯(Steve Case)通过公开发表于《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的一篇专栏文章,宣告了他对克林顿的反对。Clinton, via an op-ed in The Washington Post, was the first time he ever publicly declared for a candidate. 他说道这是他第一次公开发表宣告对一位候选人回应反对。
I always focused on policy and avoided politics, he said. 我仍然注目政策,而防止插手政治,他说道。But if Trump were elected president, I would be disappointed in myself for not acting.但如果特朗普被选为总统,我将不会为自己当初没采取行动而深感沮丧。He was less certain about donating money to Mrs. Clinton, saying it was probable but not certain.对于捐款给克林顿,他比较没有那么确认,只回应有可能,但并不确认。
Mason Harrison, Crowdpac’s head of communications, explained the gap. Crowdpac公关总监梅森哈里森(Mason Harrison)说明了这种高差。Donors give to support candidates they love, not to defeat candidates they fear, he said.捐赠人捐款是为反对自己讨厌的候选人,而不是为了击败令其他们深感忧虑的候选人,他说道。A few billionaires are taking the opposite approach, acting instead of talking. 也有几位亿万富翁采行了忽略的策略,用行动说出,而不倾听。
Dustin Moskovitz, a founder of Facebook, said he was giving $20 million to various Democratic election efforts — the first time he and his wife, Cari Tuna, have endorsed a candidate. Facebook牵头创始人达斯廷莫斯科维茨(Dustin Moskovitz)回应,他在给民主党的各种竞选活动捐献2000万美元,这是他和妻子卡里图纳(Cari Tuna)首次给一位候选人背书。He declined to be interviewed.他拒绝接受了时报的专访催促。
Part of the problem for Mrs. Clinton is that, however preferable she may be to Mr Trump in the tech community, she pales in comparison to President Obama. 克林顿的问题部分在于,不管她在科技界显然比特朗普有多么是非,都无法与奥巴马总统比起。After some initial misgivings, Silicon Valley found its champion in him. 在萌生最初的一些顾虑之后,硅谷当时将赌局压在了奥巴马身上。
There has been a revolving door between tech and the Obama administration, just as previous Democratic administrations had a revolving door with Wall Street. 在科技界和奥巴马政府之间,不存在一道旋转门,就像之前的民主党政府与华尔街之间一样。In June, President Obama seemed to suggest that he might become a venture capitalist after his term ends.去年6月,奥巴马总统或许似乎,在总统任期完结之后,他可能会自由选择做到一名风险投资人。
Mrs. Clinton is not as enthusiastic toward Silicon Valley and its disruptive ways. 克林顿对硅谷及其颠覆性的方式没那么大的热情。In a speech in the summer of 2015, she noted that start-ups in the on-demand or so-called gig economy — Uber, Airbnb and their ilk — were unleashing innovation but also raising hard questions about workplace protection and what a good job will look like in the future.她曾在2015年夏季的一次演说中认为,按需型经济,或说零工经济中的创业公司——优步和Airbnb之类——既是获释创意,同时也在工作场所安全性确保和未来什么样的工作是好工作方面,带给一些难题。
The Clinton campaign declined to comment. 克林顿竞选团队拒绝接受置评。The Trump campaign did not respond to a query.特朗普竞选团队也没对告知作出对此。But perhaps being vocal is a temporary condition after all. 不过,也许这种倾听最后只是一时间的现象。
The venture firm CRV was in the spotlight at the end of August with its blunt anti-Trump message, which included the earthy epithet. 8月底的时候,风险投资公司CRV曾因直率地表达赞成特朗普的信息而倍受注目,其中还包括上文提及的那条嘲讽的口号。A few weeks later, it cleaned up its website. 几周后,该公司从网站上移除了这条信息。The partners went from employing a publicist to seek out attention to declining interviews.几名合伙人从之前的雇用公关人员以谋求取得注目,改向拒绝接受专访。We reached everyone we wanted to reach, and hopefully influenced opinions, said Saar Gur, a CRV venture capitalist. 我们早已看清到我们期望看清的人群,忘影响了他们的观点,CRV风险投资人萨尔古尔(Saar Gur)说道。
Then the buzz died down and we went back to our day jobs, which are super busy.然后喧闹退却,我们重返自己十分辛苦的日常工作中。
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